الجمعة، 22 فبراير 2013

There are things we understand it (and feel sense), but it is difficult for us to explain or define them .. Apart from scientific definitions of intelligence often know ourselves (we individuals) while we act intelligently or stupidity .. But we can (as I personally think) raise proceeds of our intelligence acquired through simulation smart elements in any story or intelligent position and then try to imitate him and embraced personal habit ..

In the following lines I will tell you four short stories, try your own guess elements of intelligence and then try to apply and emulate in your life.

* One day, I read, for example, a Belgian national has been for 20 years to cross the border into Germany on a daily basis on his bicycle, carrying the backpack filled with earth, and the men of the German border sure that "escape" something but every time do not find him is dirt (!).

The real secret not revealed until after the death of Mr. d'Estaing when found in his memoirs the following sentence: "Even my wife did not know that I built my fortune smuggling bikes to Germany!"!.

The element here is intelligence (throwing dust in the eyes and divert people from the real goal!).

* Also, came from Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman, he said: invited me Messenger of Allah and we in the Battle of the Trench said to me: Go to Camp Quraish see what they are doing, so I went and entered the folk (and wind from the intensity does not make one knows one), said Abu Sufyan: O Quraish to consider every man sit with (for fear of intruders and spies) Hudhayfah said: I took the man next to me, however, and I said: 'Who are you, man? Said confused: I am so bin so!.

.. The intelligence element here (take the initiative and act with confidence about doubt?).

* The Abu Hanifa spoke days, he said: you need to water Balbadah Famer Bedouin with water bladders and he refused, only to sell me it of five dirhams pushed him dirhams and was not with me other .. After that fed I said: my Bedouin Do you Suwaiq, said: Hat .. I gave Soiqa Java eat it until thirst and then said: handed me a drink of water? I said: Mug five dirhams, Fastrddt Mali and retained Balqrbh!!.

.. The intelligence element here (premeditation, intent and create winning conditions)!!

* Finally, there is a smart move already made by a French nobleman .. One day, he returned to his palace worried stuffy his wife asked him why, he said: Tell me the Marquis Kajilstro (and was known for practicing witchcraft and divination) you Tkhounanni with my closest friends Vsfeth without feeling .. Wife said quietly: Do I understand that you did not believe his claim!? He said: Of course I did not believe his words, but he threatened me by saying, "If my words are true wake up tomorrow has turned into a black cat"! .. The next morning I woke up wife found beside the cat asleep, she screamed from terror and panic then returned and knelt before them to apologize and ask them forgiveness .. At that very moment the pair emerged from behind the curtain and hand sword of Damocles!.

.. The intelligence element here is (the exploitation of other myths and the direction their thinking to the end of serving your best interest)!!.

.. As I said in the beginning of the article These are just examples of smart you can infer elements than yourself from any story or intelligent position had encountered in the future, and while you discover an intelligence tried to (drink) and emulated even becomes a habit and, of course, always in character!.

Source: world of self-development

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